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5 Habits that Will Keep You More Productive Today

Jovan Miljevic



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Productivity has been a hot topic in recent years. Better yet, the lack of it is a raging issue with almost all age groups. There are people looking into ways to boost your creativity and experts trying to sell you their own methods for the perfect work environment. But what if we can tell you that there are just five simple habits to keep you more productive? Find out what they are in this article!

  1. How you start the day is very important

One of the most important habits to keep you more productive is the way in which you start all your mornings. These are usually the most chaotic types of everyone’s day. There are alarm clocks involved, and endless chasing around the home for keys, bags or the things you are missing. If you add family to the mix, then things really start getting crazy! This is one of the biggest reasons why your productivity during the day will simply flop!

That’s why you need to start getting up on the right track! This, however, starts earlier – with the night before. Organize everything you will need in the morning, all ready for you to grab and take away. Then, put your phone away and get to bed. Experts say that, to get a good night of sleep, you will need to stay away from your phone for at least an hour before bedtime comes!

Then, in the morning, resist the urge to get on your phone. Instead, complete a task – even if it is making your bed. This is called playing offense. You will not be doing tasks other people give you (like the ones you will find in the emails) until you have done something you set out to do. This is one of the best habits to keep you more productive during the day!

  1. There are other small habits to keep you more productive!

We already mentioned just how important a good night of sleep is. The experts recommend a minimum of six hours – so getting to bed early should also be on your list! However, there are two more things you can change that will affect just how productive you are – what you eat and your exercise routine!

Some people don’t think about this, but food affects us in various ways. Depending on what you eat, you might feel energized or sluggish. Keep track of this for a boost in productivity! The same goes for caffeine and exercise – sometimes, a simple walk after lunch will wake you up more than a coffee cup!

  1. Have an organized space

Then, having an organized space is one of the most beneficial habits to keep you more productive! You will want to get rid of all the clutter and any disorganization you might have in your space! This is one of the first tasks you should do when getting to your office in the morning. If you make it one of the tasks you set out to do – then you get a win-win situation from the start!

The point here is to maximize your efficiency. You cannot get around and grab things if there are too many of them on your desk. The same can apply to computers, too! You will want only to focus on project discussions that matter to you! Unsubscribe from other emails and group chats!

  1. Evading multitasking is one of the most important habits to keep you more productive!

This is one of the things people often get wrong. They believe that multitasking will make them work faster or more efficient, simply because they are covering more bases. But this is very wrong. Multitasking means you are dividing your attention span to multiple problems at a time. This doesn’t mean you are doing them all at the same time – only working on them concurrently. This, in turn, leads to you not being able to dedicate the same amount of attention to everything – and doing a job wrongly.

When you focus on one thing, then you can do it not only faster, but better. Then you can move on another and so on. Remember to prioritize well. Always think about how you can create more time for tomorrow! 

  1. You’re allowed to take breaks!

Finally, keep in mind that you will need to take breaks from time to time. These will give you the ability to step back form a problem and look at it with new insight. Remember, we – as humans – are naturally inclined towards problem-solving. So, while you are on your break walking around, you will work the solution to the problem in the back of your mind. When you approach it again, you will know how to solve it with ease!

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