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The Need For Speed In Career And Business Growth

Enterprise Team



Speed is a necessity in achieving our career and personal success. The need for speed has not been accorded its importance as an ingredient to success just like resilience, hard work being part of an endless list of words considered to birth success.

As an entrepreneur, a personal sense of speed…a sense of urgency is not just any need but a basic need.

Always approach tasks with urgency. Perfection sure is of essence but not at the expense of urgency. A task needs to be done within the given time frame, the shorter the time taken the better.

Sense of urgency shapes one into a disciplined individual who wakes up every day with set goals and purposes to have them done before the day ends.

I have always been a perfectionist, focused on always delivering the best that I can come up with in everything I do. This has however disadvantaged me as in most cases I end up not giving my best because I either ran out of time or I was left with a bitter client.

Yes, my intentions may have been good but my lack of sense of urgency is what ends up standing out. That becomes your brand name, it will always be attached to your work when your client is referring someone to you.

Do not get me wrong, quality is very important but so is urgency and both should be involved in carrying out a project.

Working with urgency makes up happy clients and a happy client equals good returns.

In the journey of life, you are always confronted with a number of opportunities or ideas that remain “just ideas”.

Why? Because you thought the “perfect time” was yet to present itself so the idea had to patiently wait.

There is never a perfect time. It is better to start than not to start at all. Mistakes may be made but aren’t they always made even in our “perfect time”. Not moving at all is a mistake you know you are making than moving unsure of a mistake that may or may not happen.

Cheetah-like attitude

Cheetahs are known to be one of the fastest animals on land. They always get their preys in most cases.

How does a cheetah ensure it captures its prey?

A cheetah first identifies its prey. It studies its situation and figures out the best way to get its prey, then, without wasting time, attacks at a very high speed. Its speed ensures that the opportunity is not lost before it gets a hold of it.

As an individual, once you identify your prey you need to know that waiting may make the opportunity slip out of your hand. Even if you end up failing, it is better than waiting for a time that may never come.

Delaying a decision or a task is one of the mistakes you should never allow to happen as this may cost you your career or even personal success. As an entrepreneur, a delay may even cost you your clients directly reflecting on your sales and profits.

Purpose to always remind yourself to “DO IT NOW”.

Write it on your refrigerator, as a daily reminder on your phone or even on a post it note on your office desk. This will help you develop a sense of urgency that may just be what you need.

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