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Life Hacks

Moving to a New House? Here’s 7 Tips to Help You

Enterprise Team



Moving to a new home is exciting, but it can be stressful, too. A move requires so much planning that it can feel overwhelming but, by being organized you can turn it into a smooth, even enjoyable, process. Planning is key – this is definitely one of those times that it pays to be super organized. Follow these tips from Aisha Pandor, CEO, and Co-founder of SweepSouth, to keep the stress at bay on moving day.

  1. Make a list

A checklist helps you to keep track of everything, making it less likely that you’ll forget something. It also allows you to tick off tasks as you complete them, giving you a sense of accomplishment and motivating you to keep going if you start getting tired of packing. 

 Plan the move as far ahead as possible, and sort out any admin you can in the run-up to the actual day, such as contacting your internet service provider to verify if their services are available in your new location, or finding a new one if they do not.

If you have insurance on your property, you should notify the insurer of your shift for documentation purposes. Also, check if they’ll cover your things while you move.

  1. Packing hacks

“Start packing well ahead of time, labeling each box on top by writing the name of the room it’s intended for, along with bullet points of what’s inside,” advises Aisha. Safely store fiddly fixtures and fittings like screws and brackets in sealable plastic sandwich bags, and stick appliance and gadget wires down with tape to prevent them from dangling about while being moved.

 Use bin bags to make transporting clothes easier – slip hangers with clothes on into a large bin bag and tie a few hangers together with a rubber band for easier carrying. Pack precious items like jewelry, important documents, and laptops into a separate bag that you take in your own car. 

  1. Finish packing the day before

It sounds obvious, but don’t compromise on this one, says Aisha. “You’ll thank yourself when the movers arrive and you don’t have to rush around getting last-minute things sorted. And don’t underestimate the small items. You may think they’ll be easy to pop into a box just before the movers arrive, but these small tasks could end up wasting valuable time.”

 Packing is a tiring task, so hire hands for the other big chores associated with moving day, like cleaning. Empty houses are always dirtier than you’d expect, so book a cleaning service through SweepSouth for both the old and new – meaning your old space will be left spotless once the last box has been taken, and you’ll be moving into a sparkling clean home. SweepSouth also provides heavy lifting services, so consider booking them to help you carry heavy items. 

  1. Assemble a moving-day survival kit

Pack a box of essential items to see you through the day and your first night, and keep it in your car for easy access. Consider these items: a phone charger, screwdriver, sharp knife for opening boxes, glasses, and mugs, a kettle, provisions to make hot drinks, cleaning cloths, bin bags, washing up liquid, toilet rolls, and a small medical kit. It’s also a good idea to have an overnight bag with toiletries, a hand towel, pajamas, a clean change of clothing, and sheets to hang over bedroom windows in case the curtains aren’t up yet. 

  1. Be safety conscious

Take every precaution you can to keep you and your moving team safe. Don’t overpack boxes. Dispose of any dangerous liquids, or make sure they are packed separately in a well-labeled box. On the day of the move, prevent accidents while boxes are being moved by keeping a clear pathway so that you can walk through without tripping over objects while carrying something heavy in your arms. 

  1. Pace yourself

Moving days are tiring, so make sure you get a good night’s rest before. Start the morning off with a good breakfast, and stop for lunch, so that you keep your energy levels up. Keep a few bottles of water handy for yourself and the movers – a hydrated moving team is a happy and efficient team, says Aisha. 

 Create a playlist ahead of time. Music is a mood booster, and listening to music you love triggers feel-good chemicals that make you happy and less anxious. If you don’t have time to collate a playlist, type terms like ‘Happy Hits’, ‘Mood Booster’, or ‘Good Vibes’ into Spotify and slot into a bouncy, energetic playlist. Move over, moving-day blues!

  1. Do a final walk-through

Walk through the house one last time before you go, doing a close inspection of each room. It’s also worth taking some photographs so that you have a record of the state of the property.

Moving days always take longer than anticipated, and you’ll no doubt be exhausted by the end of it. “Have realistic expectations of how much you can achieve in one day,” says Aisha. It’s unlikely you’ll be able to unpack everything by the first night, so take a well-deserved break and recharge. And, finally, order some lovely takeaways to celebrate the first night in your new home – your tired body will thank you.

This article is provided by Irvin Partners. Enterprise Magazine provides content from Irvin Partners as a service to its readers but does not edit the articles it publishes. Enterprise is not responsible for the content provided by Irvin.


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