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How Hrs can Select and Hire the Best Job Candidate

Enterprise Team



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One of the most challenging tasks of an HR Professional is to find applicants for the company. In spite the large number of the jobless people in the Philippines, it’s still hard for them to find potential hires. That’s why here’s an album to help all the HR Professionals out there meet their target quotas in finding applicants!

Tag your hardworking HR friend who needs to know these tips and follow The Modern Workplace for more tips and resources on HR, management, and having an awesome work life!

1. Start An Employee Referral Bonus Program – If you want to find great employees, you can encourage your current employees to do it for you. You can ask them to spread the news about open positions through Facebook or LinkedIn.

Make sure that you give them incentives or a bonus of some kind for every candidate that they’ve recommended. Why current employees? Because they’ve already familiarize the tasks which means they already know what it takes to do the job

2. Use Facebook To Target And Search For Candidates – In Facebook, there are a lot of social groups where you can join and post about the job openings, or you can create ads that specifically target potential candidates. You can easily search for Facebook groups that have your potential hires (by searching for alumni groups or specific profession groups, like “HR Managers” or “Writers”).

You can even target by university alumni. No hassle at all compared to the traditional practice of editing, and posting flyers to random streets. Also, social groups are more accessible because everyone is on Facebook these days.

3. Join A Career Fair – Career fairs still do exist and a lot of universities and colleges are still open for this. To help you find potential candidates, you can connect yourself to these universities, and have a booth with one of their career fairs.

Many employers of all sizes find career fairs extremely useful because you can gain access to a large number of potential hires in a one-stop environment. Plus, you can get the chance to have a face-to-face interaction with the interested candidates.

4. Start A Paid Internship Program – A paid internship program is one of the great ways to find potential hires. Yes, you get to help them finish their required hours, and at the same time you’re also able to find out which of the interns are power players, so when they graduate, you can get them the minute they walk off the stage with their diploma. Go ahead and invite your previous interns to work with you.

5. Reach Out To Some Alumni Networks – Alumni Networks can also be a valuable source to locate potential hires. Building connection with these networks will provide you an opportunity to meet the alumni and discuss career opportunities with them. You can also go to some colleges/universities because some of them keep resumes on file for alumni who are seeking job or career changes.

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