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5 Simple Strategies To Build A Powerful Network Around You

Enterprise Team



While most entrepreneurs recognize the importance of networking, very few of us build the type of strategic network that supports our business goals. We go to events, meet people and collect business cards. If lady luck is on our side some of these contacts will lead to long lasting relationships that will help our businesses.

Building a strong network has many different benefits, but most of all, it will determine whether you are successful or not. It is almost impossible to be involved in a successful business venture without a team of people or advisors around you.

Here are a few tips to building a powerful network:

1. Build Trust: Powerful networks are not easy to build but one way to accelerate the growth of a network is by being highly trusted. This means that you need to be that guy well known for keeping confidential information. If in case you know someone who could add value to the secret it is advisable to seek permission from the originator. The simple act of seeking permission will help build you as someone who can be trusted.

2. Stay In Touch Often: Once you have established a solid network you are going to have many different layers. The layer you should concentrate more is the people you want to be closest to you and they will only remain close if you constantly contact them.

3. Do Meaningful Introductions. If you want to create a powerful network, do introductions to other people. Ask permission before introducing to make sure you address people the way they should and also to determine if they are interested.

4. Define Your Business Goals. Another important step to building a powerful network is to define your goals. You need to define both short term and long term business goals. Once you know what your goals are and where your business is, you will be better equipped to find the right people to help you achieve your objectives easily.

5. Identify People With Meaningful Connections: Well-connected people are a good asset for your network. Reach out to these contacts and initiate long lasting relationships with them or nurture existing ones. These people are very important as they are able to provide introductions to decision makers and influencers. They have lots of information about the market, people and politics.

6. Establish Mutual beneficial Relationships: If you want to bring someone into your network then be willing to be giving something in return. This means it can’t just be about you getting something, you need to find some value that you can deliver as well. Its called mutual beneficial relationships where you offer to help someone and you also get something in return.

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