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Real Estate

Now is the Time – Why You Need to Buy Land Today!

Clara Situma



They say, “the best time to start was yesterday. The next best is now!” 

If you have not yet bought yourself a kaploti (land) somewhere, you are sleeping on the job. So get up and catch the bus before it leaves you.

A few years ago, land ownership in Kenya was left for the rich, older men, but today, everyone has the freedom to own theirs. This freedom is not to be taken for granted but instead used wisely.

Land investment is yet to be perceived appropriately because most people still need to learn how the legal land-buying process works. Shockingly, there are a lot of people who overlook land when investing. So is buying land a now decision, or can we shelve it for later? The answer is NOW is the time!

To drive this point home, here are a few lessons to help you understand that now is the best time to invest in land.

Lesson 1:  Don’t wait to buy land; buy land and wait!

If you think about it, you have already come across many land offers for as low as Ksh100,000, but you shelve it for another day, season or year. 

Only to check later and see Phase one is gone now phase two, three, or ten costs double the original price. Before you blink, that area is sold off, and a different location is on the market. That’s the world of land selling; today, it’s there, tomorrow, it’s gone. The wise thing to do is to get it immediately after you spot it because if you don’t, someone else will.

Lesson 2:  The land you toured yesterday and planned to pay tomorrow is the same; someone inspected it today and paid just NOW! 

Free land visits are as regular as every Saturday. However, we have noted that most undecided people take the trip, see the land, and plan to think about it, and there is nothing wrong with that. When they decide, it’s already too late; the land is sold out.

We have so many such cases, so we advise you to get it immediately after viewing it.

Lesson 3: The money you spent last weekend with friends was enough to pay for your plot today.

With offers running every day due to black Friday, the World Cup season, or Christmas or thanksgiving holidays, you can get your plot at affordable rates. As your friends get down with one more for the road, run in the opposite direction and put that money into good use, like a land investment. Five to ten years later, you will laugh your way to your investment, a millionaire. That’s just for one! How about getting three or five or as many acres as you wish?

Don’t be late; call us today, and we will ensure you invest in an excellent piece of land at the best rates. You can catch or follow us on all social media platforms as Lesedi Group or visit us at Thika Town, Thika Bazaar, 1st and 2nd Floor, or Nanyuki Assumption Center Monday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. Every Saturday, we are out for free land viewing. You can also join us to learn more!

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