
Largest LED Screen in East Africa launched in Sarit Centre

By Fatiha Shabir

June 17, 2021

The largest outdoor LED screen in East Africa was launched in Sarit Centre on Thursday June 7, 2021 by LeDrad Media Limited in partnership with Sarit. The launch of the screen is a move that is set to elevate the digital advertising space in the country.

Speaking during the launch event, LeDrad Media’s Chief Executive Officer Noah Mwale commented that the screen would provide a wider platform for brands to reach their audiences and provide them with more exposure and reach.

“This is not only a milestone for LeDrad media but also one for the industry. We are pleased to be launching a platform that will provide our client brands with more exposure and reach and provide their content with an extended lifespan,” said Mr. Mwale.

“The shift towards digital advertising is one that has been picking pace over the last few years, and we are pleased to be a catalyst in the acceleration of the same,” he added.

The LED screen has an expansiveness of 61.44 meters width by 3.84 meters height, and comprising of 384 panels making up the whole screen making it one of its kind in East Africa.

Due to the ever shifting customer needs, investing in digital space has been the priority of many brands in the industry. Through the launch Sarit Centre hopes that that more brands will come on board with this advertising initiative when communicating with their customers.